Player Fees FAQ's
Q: When are payments due?
A: You will receive an invite to a team for your player by email. The first payment is due when you accept that invite, which must be completed by July 1. Monthly payments are then due on the 5th of each month, from July through the following April.
Q: What if I do not have email?
A: Your Team Manager will notify you of your player’s invite, and of your initial and monthly payment obligations.
Q: What are my options if I am unable to make my player's monthly payments online by credit card?
A: Options include purchase of a debit card which you can then use to make your online payments, give cash or a check to someone else who is able to pay online by credit card and have them make your online payment for you.
Q: What happens if I cannot make my monthly payment?
A: Contact the club Director of Finance to review your situation for a possible alternative payment plan. Without such an alternative plan, players are suspended from all team functions after 1 missed payment.
Q: Can I make a partial monthly payment?
A: Yes, see #4 above, as a partial monthly payment is still considered a missed payment until paid in full.
Q: How do I use fundraisers to make all or part of my monthly payments?
A: Submit proceeds to your Team Manager, for deposit to the club Treasurer. Be sure to get a receipt from the Team Manager. Paid club volunteers automatically receive a credit to their player's online account based on the hours or tasks worked.
Q: Do I still need to make my monthly payments if my player's team is shut down due to the high school season?
A: Yes, all fees for players on high school age teams should be half paid by November, with no fees due during or after the high school season. Starting again in February the fee's will start again. This will pay for the first part of the year. If the team disolves over high school break no refunds will be issued.
Q: Do I still need to make my monthly payments if my player becomes injured?
A: After 6 weeks of non-activity due to injury, subsequent monthly payments will waived and your online account credited by the club Treasurer until the player returns to activity. To enable this process submit a note from your player's doctor stating the injury date, and the expected date of return to activity, to the club Director of Coaching, who will forward to the Director of Finance and club Treasurer. Payments will stop being waived when the player returns to activity, regardless of the expected return date.
Q: What are my options if I am divorced or separated, and I am sharing or alternating monthly payments with the other parent?
A: Options include you paying online by credit card and being reimbursed by the other parent, or instead each paying by cash or check (see #3 above).
Q: Am I obligating to make remaining monthly payments if I leave the club?
A: You are only obligated to pay monthly payments due up to the date of your player's last team activity. Once you notify the club Director of Coaching of your departure all subsequent payments will be waived. Note that other Norcal clubs cannot accept a player that have an outstanding balance due to their previous club. Also note that funds raised from a club or team fundraiser, or club hosted event, are charity donations and thus are not refundable.
Q: Do my membership fees include a uniform?
A: No, membership fees to not include game and training uniforms, warmups, backpacks or other apparel or equipment. These items must be purchased separately through one of the club's authorized apparel and equipment vendors.
Contact Us
Contact info
Mailing Address
1169 S Main St #104
Manteca, CA 95337
MFC Clubhouse
135 N Main St
Manteca, CA 95336